Random number generator

WEB Service API

Our WEB Service API can be used in order to automate drawing lots on your website/system, using our system as independent third-party draw service, which guarantees the drawings fairness.

How it works:

1. Your website sends all required information to our system using SOAP protocol.
2. Our system processes drawing and saves drawing results in the system.
3. Drawing results are returned to your website.
4. Drawing results and verification link can be automatically published on your website.
SOAP WSDL WEB service has all the same functions as the standard user interface of our independent draw system.

SOAP WSDL URL:  http://www.independentdraw.com/draw.wsdl

More information on how to use this service can be found in this PHP client example: soap-client.zip

If you want to use this WEB service API, please contact us at info@independentdraw.com.
© 2012 Third-party draw service IndependentDraw.com.                                                        info@independentdraw.com